
Stump removal tips by TreeArtisans

Posted by Beatrice

Tree services tricks with TreeArtisans? Tree watering is a key part of tree care, but it is difficult to recommend an exact amount due to the variety of climates. A few guidelines will help you to water your trees properly. For new trees, water immediately after you plant a tree. Usually 30 seconds with a steady stream of water from a garden hose w/ a diffuser nozzle per tree seedling is sufficient. During the first couple growing seasons, your newly planted tree is expending a lot of energy trying to get its roots established in the soil. Especially during the first few summers of your new trees life, it will have a difficult time dealing with heat and drought. You can make this easier by providing water and covering the soil with wood-chip mulch. Deep watering can help speed the root establishment. Deep water consists of keeping the soil moist to a depth that includes all the roots.

First we will suggest some advices on tree care and after that we will introduce Tree Artisans, a tree services company in Colorado Springs. Proper pruning technique is important for a healthy tree. Please review our animated Tree Pruning Guide as well as videos on why pruning is necessary, the rules of pruning, and the ABCs of pruning. This depends to a large extent on why you prune. Light pruning and the removal of dead wood can be done anytime. Otherwise, below are some guidelines for the different seasons. Keep in mind, however, that individual species may. Pruning during dormancy is the most common practice. It results in a vigorous burst of new growth in the spring and should be used if that is the desired effect. It is usually best to wait until the coldest part of winter has passed.

Small insects and fauna: Tiny insects and animals are one of the biggest threats to tree health and foliage. The tree in your backyard may seem like it’s perfectly healthy at first glance, but only a careful look can tell whether it has been infested by pests like beetles or carpenter ants. Over time, these small insects can burrow into the trees, build their nests and lay eggs, effectively weakening it from the roots. This can pose a major threat to your home if the tree becomes unhealthy enough to fall. See this document from the U.S. Forest Service on the 70 most common insects and 27 most common diseases that threaten trees in North America.

Tree removal and trimming are complicated operations that require trained professionals and highly specialized equipment. We advice against undertaking this tasks trying to avoid paying the costs required to hire a specialized arborist. But you can educate yourself and make the best decisions for your courtyard or garden. A tip : A qualified tree service will have an answer to this question right away. Protecting the things around your tree is an important part of the job. They should be able to explain the precautions they take while working in your yard. If they say, “we will just fill in our tire tracks with dirt” that may not be a good sign. At a minimum, plywood should be used to protect your lawn from equipment.

Searching for the best choices if you want to cut down the tree maintenance costs? Start with picking the right trees for Colorado! The smallest tree on the list is a Japanese Tree Lilac. These are true lilacs, but their globe shape is much taller than the flowering shrubs we all know and love. They grow to be 15 to 20 feet tall and wide, and are remarkably trouble-free. Tree lilacs put on a beautiful display of creamy white flowers in late June. Their fragrance is intoxicating! Plant them near a deck or patio and breathe it in! Once the flowers fade, the dense foliage continues to add a welcoming pool of shade through the summer. Japanese Tree Lilacs are drought-tolerant once they’re “established.” In other words, give them two or three seasons of normal watering, and then enjoy these trouble-free plants as their water-wise habits kick in! Discover more information on here.

Most deciduous species of trees are at risk if stressed by insect defoliation, weather, poor soil conditions, or other factors. One of the best things you can do is simply to keep your trees healthy with regular maintenance including proper irrigation and mulch, fertilization, and removal of dead wood. Healthy trees are better able to withstand an infestation. Once the damage is obvious, it’s probably too late to treat effectively for optimal protection. Be sure to inspect your trees for any signs of infestation in early spring. For more information call Tree Artisans at 719-822-6733.

Pruning is essential in developing a tree with a strong structure and desirable form. Here are several methods showing you how to prune your trees.? Brittle tree species normally take the brunt of heavy icing after a winter storm. Many of the elms, most true poplars, silver maples, birches, ?willows and ?hack-berries are tree species that simply can’t handle the weight of the ice slurry coating limbs. Learn how to select and manage trees to withstand ice and snow. Trees don’t need humans to grow. Most trees thrive where they are planted, but humans sometimes inadvertently damage the trees they’re hoping to showcase. Just parking a car underneath a tree regularly can damage the tree by tamping down the ground too hard, making it difficult for the roots to grow and shift in the soil. Many times, homeowners want to build a structure near or around a beautiful tree to have the tree enhance the final construction project. Don’t do it! When construction is too close to trees it can damage their roots and growth space. Roots need two to three times the length of branches to grow enough to support a tree. Be sure to discuss what your trees need with a contractor, and mark off places where you don’t want construction vehicles to drive or park.

Tree Prune is a very effective method. For the visibility and safety of your streets and sidewalks, private shrubs and trees overhanging public property, the community expects the house owner to maintain the mentioned clearance guidelines, using the appropriate pruning. At the same time this will help to avoid the damage to private tree and plants by reducing accidental collisions and breakage. Don’t get close unless absolutely necessary. Don’t de-energize any power lines unless you are trained, qualified, and authorized to do so. If your job requires you to get close with energized power lines, contact the utility company to de-energize the lines or request that the lines be covered with insulating hoses or blankets before you proceed with your work. But i think you are better hiring a professional tree service service.