
Best rated Florida travel destinations from Jill Podehl

Posted by Daniel

Jill Podehl Florida attractions right now: Where others saw an uninhabited, desolate island, Flagler saw a perfect haven for his rich and famous friends and a great way to make money by charging them for getting there on his railroad. The industrialist’s own home, preserved as the Flagler Museum, provides a fascinating look at the opulence of these early wealthy seasonal residents. Scattered just outside of West Palm are several colorful towns that are also worth exploring, most situated near the beach. A few of these even boast revived and vibrant downtowns of their own, as well as communities of artists and craftspeople pushing artistic boundaries, many of them displaying their works on the sides of buildings or at local markets. Discover more information on https://www.podehlwoodcraft.com/.

When it comes to natural landmarks in the USA, it doesn’t get much more iconic than the Everglades National Park. The vast 1.5 million-acre park covers a lot of ground and is well worth a trip for nature-lovers visiting Miami who doesn’t mind a short bit of travel to an entrance. It’s impossible to condense everything that the Everglades National Park into a couple of paragraphs. Eco-adventure tours give you tons of ways to enjoy the environment. Live shows and programs add entertainment to an educational variety. Trails provide tons of ways to explore, hike, and relax. The vegetation is gorgeous and you might want to spend a whole week here!

Well recognized for its cultural flavor, Little Havana offers a great deal of entertainment from open air social areas to its many restaurants and specialty food shops. With non stop lively Latin music drifting through the air and street art depicting important Cuban figures you will feel completely immersed in the distinctive cultural atmosphere. While Calle Ocho is know as the heart of little Havana and setting for most of the activity , the district has slowly spread into the surrounding streets and avenues. But to truly enjoy a vacation you also need a nice place to stay.

Do you need to enjoy the blue sky and the warm sun ? Miami is an amazing location to relax. What can you do in Miami? This former home of Charles Deering is a 444-acre estate, protecting globally endangered pine rockland habitat, as well as coastal tropical hardwood rockland hammocks, mangrove forests, salt marshes, and a coastal dune island. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Deering Estate at Cutler is home to the Richmond Cottage, which served as a hotel, as well as historical buildings dating from 1896 to 1922, and an American Indian burial ground dating from 1500. Charles Deering was an art collector, who, along with his brother James, accumulated a great number of works by the Old Masters. Deering himself also painted, and some of his works are on display here. The Artist Village at the estate has become an important cultural center, featuring art and artists programs.

Jill Podehl Florida attractions right now: Miami is known for its beaches and South Beach has something for everyone. If you have kids to entertain, South Pointe Park has a playground and splash fountain, and is the ideal setting for a picnic. If you want to escape the crowds for an hour or two, Miami Beach Botanical Garden has 4-1/2 acres filled with subtropical plants, right in the center of South Beach. Wander around the beautiful Art Deco hotels and houses, such as Casa Casuarina, the former home and murder site of fashion designer the late Gianni Versace. Follow the Art Deco District Walking Tour to make sure you do not miss any of these carefully preserved buildings.

If you’re looking for cool things to do that fuel the interest of nature lovers and fun-loving outdoor enthusiasts in Miami, Florida, look no further than Jungle Island. It’s one of the more unique points of interest that the city has to offer. Jungle Island is essentially a large park, first opening in 1916 under the name Jungle Island Zoological Park. It went through quite a few changes over the years, with the most current appearance the result of a new purchase of the park back in the year 1988. Jungle Island now focuses on providing natural and environmentally friendly exhibits that host exotic and fascinating flora and fauna, showing off the beauties of animal and plant co-existence as they would be in the wild. It also regularly takes part in efforts in conservation, helping to educate the public while providing protection for all sorts of rare animals and the ecosystems that they live in. Read additional information on https://www.facebook.com/jillpodehl.

Animal lovers won’t want to miss Zoo Miami, home to more than 3,000 animals, or the Miami Seaquarium, offering educational and entertaining sea life exhibits and presentations. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is a captivating attraction for the whole family – view orchids and other native plants in these extensive gardens, and be sure to check out the butterfly garden. You’ll never run out of things to do in Miami, no matter what tickles your fancy, how much you have to spend, and who you’re traveling with.