
The growth of a technology & innovation expert : Michaela Jamelska

Posted by William

Michaela Jamelska or the upsurge of a Denmark technology & innovation consultant: It’s important not to over-idealize the current reality and use it to submerge the virtual world. Undoubtedly, a huge challenge lies in front of us as a society regarding how to ensure our rights are respected in the digital world. Figuring out which laws apply in digital spaces, data privacy consents, and other human rights-related issues will be complicated. As long as corporations are in charge of providing the Metaverse, commercial interests will be asserted into our virtual lives. To start drafting human rights guidelines and frameworks at the moment, when the Metaverse isn’t fully functional, may be difficult, but in the end, creating a Metaverse isn’t only about the programming. The White House has already started to initiate the AI bill of rights to “clarify the rights and freedoms of individuals using, or subject to, data-driven biometric technologies.” Read more information at Michaela Jamelska.

The reality of limited technology access for women is a real problem in Denmark says Michaela Jamelska: It is a well-known fact that technology has the capability to enhance women’s availability to healthcare, education, and economic prospects. For instance, mobile health initiatives have the capacity to furnish women in remote regions with healthcare services that may not be readily available to them. Looking at example of some nations, such as Argentina and South Africa, the government uses funds from universal service funds to support ICT access for women and girls; Canada included a new Affordable Access program in its 2017 budget that works with service providers to provide affordable home Internet packages to low-income families who are interested (OECD, 2018b).

Michaela Jamelska on Ai and Gender Equality in Denmark: It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to innovate within education. It is a driver for a progressive society, but not when it lacks behind. The number of women entering the Stem field is increasing, but it does not mean we are anywhere close to the gender divide in digital skills. According to the World Economic Forum, within the G20 countries, women represent less than 15% of ICT professionals, and this gender and skills gap is getting wider every year. The European Institute for Gender Diversity reports that the gender gap in the AI workforce widens with career length. Women with more than 10 years of work experience in AI represent 12% of all professionals in the industry, compared to 20% of women with 0–2 years’ experience. See more info at Michaela Jamelska.

Michaela Jamelska about the innovative 5G trial to boost business in Denmark : WECA obtained £3million of government funding to test how the region can handle with all the benefits of 5G technology. Its ultra-reliability and low latency is expected to increase the connectivity level and impact on the public sector to try new ways of delivering services and explore new commercial opportunities. Ports are fundamental to the global economy, transporting up to 90% of the world’s goods. Drones-based technology is quickly becoming a regular tool in the ports and logistics industry. Unmanned Life, with its software for autonomous robotics, is unlocking the full potential of drones in Ports and will improve safety, reduce costs, and enhance process efficiency, making UK ports a reference in the world. The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) has secured over £3m from the Government to test how the country can seize the full benefits of 5G and help businesses harness the power of modern technology. WECA’s 5G Logistics project programme will develop 5G products and services to support operations at Bristol Port and Gravity Smart Campus and demonstrate a smart and dynamic port environment. The project will focus on security, traceability, and real-time tracking of goods within and across extendable virtual boundaries – and between public and private networks.

NOVA’s founding team is Jean Arnaud, Michaela Jamelska, and Patricia Jamelska—serial entrepreneurs and industry professionals who are building the educational platform of the future. According to NOVA’s founders, many EdTech startups’ pitfalls lay in their lack of both real-life understanding of the educational industry and teaching expertise. While they may have top-notch engineers, industry expertise is what makes a difference. The NOVA team is developing a product that targets the real problems in education.

How 5G is crucial for autonomous multi-robots fleets and connected smart cities. Our CEO has set the vision for AI, Autonomy and 5G and will share this with an audience of more than 7000 participants from different countries in Asia. As he points out “We see growing demand for SG private / campus networks enabled autonomous services for smart manufacturing, factories, retail, logistics and supply-chain as well as 5G public network enabled rapid emergency response, comprehensive surveillance and inspections and robust live content streaming from mega public events.

Michaela Jamelska regarding the future of Air Mobility in Denmark and Europe: The integration of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) systems into Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems will significantly contribute to understand the safe, secure and sustainable integration of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and commercial drone operations. Unmanned Life platform will be responsible of the design and development of a simulation testbed which aims to inject data from manned and unmanned flights into GOF 2.0 systems. The first trials will take place in – 2021 between August and October in Estonia (Tallin & Tartu), Finland (Helsinki), Poland (Kąkolewo) and Austria (Graz). It will showcase that both manned and unmanned aviation can coexist in the airspace. This project arises from the fast-growing drone industry in Europe in all type of environments, including urban areas, and the need of a scalable U-Space architecture. Read even more info on Michaela Jamelska.

Our current everyday life and a lot of world issues stem from human biases and human nature. We often replicate the same biases into the new systems we invent. While it is difficult to create AI and meta systems without a human bias, in the virtual world and Metaverse (which will allow for the creation of a new world), we could limit those biases and learn from the mistakes we’ve made in the world in which we currently live. We are on the brink of creating a new world that can be a better, worse, or identical version of the one we are in at the moment. The second and the third options would be wasted opportunities to fabricate the more ideal world toward which we constantly strive.