Best college advisor? As time allows, continue with your college research. Attend local college fairs and information sessions, contact admissions offices to obtain information or simply to demonstrate interest. Spring break is a popular time during which to visit colleges if your family has the resources (time, money) to do so. Pick up one or two of the best college guidebooks on the market to ensure that the schools you are considering are an ideal academic and financial fit. The average student-to-guidance counselor ratio in the United States in 430:1, well above the level recommended by professional counseling organizations. These unfortunate numbers mean that many high school guidance counselors are not able to develop a close relationship with all of their students starting in 9th grade. More often, in an effort at triage, counselors don’t develop an intimate understanding of their clientele until the commencement of senior year when it’s time to start on college applications.
If you expect to go to college later, expect to study now. No one can do it for you. Don’t talk the college talk – “I’ll go to college to get a great career” – without walking the walk. Colleges look at your grades, sure, but also at how difficult your courses are. They want to see that you’ve challenged yourself. Plus, if you pursue advanced courses, such as AP®, you may be able to get college credit. Having trouble in a class? Many schools have peer tutors, students in upper grades who’ll help you (for free). Talk to teachers or counselors – let them know you want extra help.
There are over 4,000 college options to choose from! It can be extremely difficult to make the right decision on your own. And, the truth is, most school advisors and counselors simply don’t have enough time to give individual guidance for the large number of students they have. The United States has an average student-to-counselor ratio of 482:1, nearly double the American School Counselor Association’s recommendation of 250-to-1. Find extra information at
This program is designed for families who also want assistance with financial aid strategies, funding guidance, and support. Includes everything in the Optimal Package PLUS: Campus Visits/Tours- Preparation and explanation of strategies to demonstrate interest. Activity Resume Completion- Crafted to reflect your student’s commitment to these interests.Funding Guidance & Support, Identify different funding options tailored to your specific situation. Advice and strategies to reduce Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and put you in the best position to receive all the financial aid for which you are eligible.
From tackling the milestones along the way of standardized testing and analyzing financial aid packages to making the final college decision, my job is to guide both students and families on the path to success. I’m fueled by my commitment to excellence and go the extra mile to make sure clients are fully satisfied with my work. The first thing I noticed about Tonica was her honesty and professionalism, in addition to her down-to-earth demeanor. She is experienced and knowledgeable in the education and college planning field which is crucial in guiding parents and students in unfamiliar territory. Although I had gone through the process once before, choosing a college and going through the admissions procedure is tough and different for every student. Find more information on